Preparation, preparation
We are still in the winter season and over the last couple of weeks we have had some really cold snaps, frost in the morning and a biting wind....but spring will be here soon and no doubt in the next few weeks we'll all starting complaining about how hot and humid it is!
So, in the next few weeks, think about those jobs you want to tackle on your yard; the oak and magnolia trees that need a good trim up/down, the mulch that needs to be laid, the fertilizer on the grass to encourage growth and palms in need of a haircut, the sod to be relaid. Now is a really good time to do it as many lawncare and landscape companys (like ourselves) are not having to work 6-7 days a week to keep up with the summer growth, so means more flexibility and a quicker turnaround for what you want doing.
Give us a call and let us know what you want doing; if you don't ask, you don't get.